
Predictors of historical deforestation on Pacific islands

How can machine learning help identify predictors of environmental degradation?

I have been recently reading Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond. The chapters on the Pacific islands inspired me to use machine learning on the dataset mentioned by Diamond in the book, linking deforestation observed by the European discoverers with environmental variables. The goal was to see how the modern tools of data science can supplement statistical approaches of environmental research.

Map of deforestation records

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Hi! My name is Patryk and this post marks the creation of my personal website.

I am a quantitative researcher with expertise in Theoretical Physics, Scientific Computing and Data Science. Concerned about climate crisis, I advocate for action as a founding member of Climate Hub Hamburg. I am excited by opportunities of applying quantitative skills to tackle complex social and environmental challenges.

Read more about me and my projects in Physics, Sustainability Science and Data Science. Please feel free to comment on my blog posts: your feedback is appreciated!